Pranayama is the fourth fold of Ashtang Yoga, when we read Pranayam word we find two different words, one is Prana "the vital life energy" and other is Ayama means " to controls". So to understand what is Pranayama, it is to Control Vital Life Energy.
We can see when we breath deeply our mind also becomes calm we get mental peace. So we can understand the significance of Pranayama. Yogis after Rishi Patanjali, invented many different techniques of pranayama, so that it would be benefical for the mankind. Pranayama must be done in the open place, Here are some of parnayama techniques :
1. Anulom-Vilom (Nadi Shodhan) :
Sit in a comfortable sitting pose prefferably Padamasana or Siddhasana. Now close your right nostral with the help of right hand thumb & inhale deeply using left nostral. Now remove righthand thumb & close left nostral with middle & ring finger and exhale from right nostril, when exhale has done properly inhale from right nostril without removing two fingers. When inhale has done remove the two fingers from left nostril & close right nostril with right hand thumb and exhale. This is one chakra (cycle) repeate this cycle 10-15 times.
2. Kapalbhati Pranayama :
First sit in sitting pose which ever suit for you, then inhale normally & exhale forcefully. When you inhale let it be happen normally do not inhale deeply just normal & exhale forcefully, your belly (stomach) would go inside. You can do it 5-10 minutes daily.