Saturday, May 8, 2010

About Yoga

I've seen many people have miss understanding about What is YOGA? They don't know what is the real meaning of YOGA, the word Yoga is Sanskrit language word & its meaning is to join, to union, to add. But the common question arises what to join? To join Mind & God, to join Soul with Supreme Soul. And the yoga which is popular term in now a days is actually different types of Yogic Exercises, as like Yogasana, Pranayam, Mudras, Meditation & allies exercises.

Also on main basis Yoga is divided in four main parts as, Bhakti Yoga, Raj-Yoga, Gyan Yoga, & Karma Yoga. In Bhakti Yoga we join our self directly from Supreme Head God, as the meaning of Bhakti describes devotion, love towards God, while in Raj-Yoga concentration of mind is the main thing. First this concentration is on physical things and later on it goes on micro substances of nature & then after we join our mind with our soul or God. In Gyan Yoga the important thing is discover our soul by using our wisdom (Buddhi). And in Karma Yoga we try to reach the God by doing our duty / karma by nishkam bhav.

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